Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh no he didn't!

So when I go and pick up Tyler at school today his teacher meets me at the door and asks me to come outside because she wants to share a story with me.  I immediately started cringing!
I guess during circle time as the kids were discussing the end of year celebration Ms Sheri started talking about what they were going to eat.  She was being silly and saying things like, "frog legs, sticks, and other funny things."  She asked the kids what they thought that they would be eating. Tyler spoke up and said, "Well, I will tell you what we won't be having."  She asked, "What?"  His reply?  "Well, we won't be having beer."  
Trying desperately to not laugh, Ms Sheri agreed that, "No they wouldn't be having beer, that is something that Daddies drink sometimes.  Tyler quickly piped up, "Oh no, it is not just for daddies, my mom drinks it too!"  At this point Ms. Sheri had to end circle time a minute or so early so she could go compose herself!=)


shelley said...

That boy is too funny!! LOL! I can just hear your mom laughing at this one!!

Adoptive Momma said...

Oh, poor Tyler his mother is a lush! LOL!!

Pauline Strohl said...

Omg! That is just too funny! I about died reading it. That Tyler of yours is just too damn cute. All I can say is out of the mouths of babes!!!!