Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trying to be crafty.

Yesterday Tyler and I did his valentine's for his teacher and her helper.  I got this cute idea out of a magazine. 
We just traced his hands and then he painted them.  We then wrote...
Ms. Sheri, You deserve a hand!  Happy Valentine's Day.  Love, Tyler 
on one of the hands and then used double sided tape to tape them on to a bottle of lotion.

For the valentines that we made for his class we wrote "We're two of a kind" on card stock and then used double sided tape to tape two Smartees on the inside.  We also wrote Happy Valentine's Day on the back.

Thought that I would share these ideas since they were easy enough for the least crafty among us!=)


Adoptive Momma said...

Good job Martha! So crafty!

Val said...

Good job - Maelynn had her party we just made cookies and I bought stuff to go in goody bags - not very creative at all - but the cookies did keep her busy for a while!! :)